To my fellow English speakers…
Welcome to Erdbaum
In case you’re wondering, Erdbaum is pronounced something like „air-d-bow-m“ – and I mean bow as in take a bow, not bow and arrow – gotta love English. “Baum” is German for tree, and “Erd” can actually mean Earth, ground, or even soil. I enjoy that it is a bit open to interpretation, so that’s all the definition you will get from me.
To be clear, while we are located in Germany, we do still accept soil, compost, and liquid amendment (compost tea or extract) samples and design and consulting projects from neighboring countries. Non-native soil samples will not be redistributed here after analysis to avoid potential micro-invasive species.
Unfortunately, the Erdbaum website is currently only available in German. In time as the business grows, we can justify including an English side of the site. But until then, we ask for your patience and understanding.
We will however always provide any downloadable documents in English (as well as German). The same goes for invoices upon request.
And in case you’re not already aware, there are some nifty tricks to anyway allow you to use the German site with relative ease.
Google Chrome
In our opinion, the absolute, most straightforward method is to use Google Chrome as your web browser since they have a built in translation option. Just right-click anywhere on the page that is not a link and select “Translate to English” from the pop-up menu. You can always change it back by reloading the page, or changing the options from the new translation icon at the right side of your url address bar.
If you prefer Firefox as your web browser, then you will have to download an add-on such as Google Translator for Firefox. After installing the add-on, just right-click anywhere on the page and select “Translate page with Google Translate.”
Safari has caught up to the game with a built in tranlation option, though it is slightly more hidden than in Chrome. Also it uses it’s own tranlsation algorithms, so results may vary.
If you’re on Windows 10, then you likely have access to the replacement browser for Internet Explorer: Edge. Edge also has built-in site translation in the right side of the url address bar.
English Downloads
Photo Credits!
Both Eagles: Photo by Richard Lee on Unsplash
*All photos shown on this page without credits were taken by Dusty and Kiwi Eddy.